Saturday, 12 April 2008

India 15 - Utteranchal, Rishikesh

Just a quick post to show you Phool Chatti Ashram, the white building, down the road, far, far away.
The other pic is of rafting camps - there are a few ont he way to the ashram, look really very nice!
The course starts on Monday and there are 30 of us doing it. I have been pretty quiet this week, relaxing and reading books and getting on with the cold water bucket. Mind you, the first night I was there I didn't sleep a wink as I found a cockroach in my bed THREE times!!! (What's that tickling my arm... Aaaarrggghhhhh!!!) Either it was the same one being very persistent or an infestation. Anyway, I have scrubbed out the whole room, washed all the bedding, doused the place in different essential oils and haven't seen any creepy crawlies since.

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