Friday, 18 January 2008

Barbados 8

The reggae concert was great fun, part of the DLP rally for the elections which happened on Tuesday, the slogan was “time for change” and they did. The Democratic Labour Party knocked out the Barbados Labour Party by winning 20 of the 30 seats ending 30 years in power. There was no drink allowed to be sold all day until the polls closed at 6pm. You could feel the ground vibrate with the stampede towards the bars on the West coast at 5.59. And when O’Neil came to collect us, it turned out that Sooey’s dog ‘Wednesday’ had bitten him on the ankles a couple of years ago… another tetanus story.
Barbados beaches are lined with coconut trees - I didn't realise coconuts grew like grapes and when a guy came to harvest them (stop death by coconut) we had the chance to sample fresh cocunut water and scoop out the soft flesh for a beach snack.
I had to take a pic of this little red car which services waste disposal and offers useful bits of advice like "Fear God, Think Clean, Aim High".

Sooey has a couple of friends over from Martinique for the rest of this week as we are all going to the Jazz Festival. Other than that, a bit of horse riding and more lying around on the beach. I have now been jet skiing, all the way down to Bridgetown and back.

Oli spotted a man on the beach the other day wearing a t-shirt from Egypt with the Hod-Saloman logo for ballooning over the Valley of the Kings (which we did last New Year’s Eve at sunrise). It turns out he was there, same time, same day, same place, using the same company as us but in another balloon - I think there were 3 ... stranger and stranger.