Saturday, 12 January 2008

Barbados 7

Grey with intermittent showers lately… it’s given us a bit of time to do some other things. I gave Oli some driving lessons out of the way on the South of the island and later went to the drive in cinema to see Russell Crowe in The 3.10 to Yuma followed by Alien Vs Predator #2. Made us laugh that everyone toots their horns to express themselves at violence or humour. Loudest honking and calling occurred in AVP2 when someone said “…but the Government doesn’t lie…” The Bajans have a fantastic sense of humour.

Plus I thought I had finally making it with the Lear-Jet-Set this week, only to have my Scottish Karma rear it’s ugly head in the form of one Sally and her 2 year old daughter Iona. Sooey is acquainted with her from Glasgow and I politely invited her to meet me and Oli at the beach only to have her bellow loudly ‘Iona, IONA, come ‘ere will ya, do ya wanna get slapped?’ throughout the afternoon, finishing diva style on the steps of JuJu‘s before making a loud exit up the stairs… total silence while everyone examined their fingernails. I am dismayed.

Never mind, I did get a compliment from a man on the beach earlier this week who told me I had the BEST feet on the island. In retrospect I am suspicious that this may fall into the category of people who enthusiastically compliment you on the lovely quilt in your pram to avoid mentioning the ugly baby! But this evening, my feet and Oli are being taken for dinner by O’Neil the “Beach Manager” and afterwards to a Reggae Concert.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Barbados 6

Well this is supposed to be the dry season, but global warming and all, we had the most almighty downpour last night for literally hours. Sooey and I had popped out for an hour but Holetown became so flooded we had to abandon the car and get a lift with a friend in a 4x4.

Other than that, life continues on the beach... I think I should write something about the beachlife. Oli and I hang out at JuJu's beach bar most days and I get to eavesdrop on the most interesting of conversations. Yesterday a woman lectured 3 men for nearly an hour on 'how too many women pluck their eyebrows until they are far too thin (the eyebrows that is)' on how her eyelashes grow in different directions, finishing up with the benefits of using eyeliner.

Then there is the regular nutter who comes by every day who Oliver has nicknamed Herbert. He has a fine wardrobe, yesterday he was wearing jeans that finished mid calf, a white t-shirt with some message scribbled on the back in pen and an embroidered net curtain on his head. This went down very well with the invisible people he was arguing with on the sun loungers.
(I got some pics of Oli swimming with the turtles)

Monday, 7 January 2008

Barbados 5

There's been some surf action the last few days. Oli has been out on a bodyboard, but needs loads of practice. The surfers have the whole beach but clump together in a traffic jam on one wave

We've been here two weeks now and still have another two weeks before we fly back on 21st. Interesting island as far as history goes, the people are great, lots of fun, but I think as the population is 95% black, it's pretty obvious that there's a bit of a 784 situation; that 7% of the population own 85% of the wealth... and if you've got it, flaunt it is the rule is seems. Actually, I think Barbados is one big retirement home. But it's fun for a month!!!