Thursday 24 January 2008

Brighton 7

Talk about spanner in the works - Oliver has announced he does not want to go to India and has gone back to Glasgow. I am still going ahead with the plan, but am very nervous about the level of harassment I can expect as a single woman travelling alone in India. Been on-line and swatting up with my Lonely Planet guide which says, for example “if you feel someone getting too close in a crowd or on a bus, brandishing your left shoe in his face can be very effective”. Not sure if the shoe is supposed to be on or off, or why exactly is should be the left shoe… maybe the answer lies in spending a week on a yoga training course prior to venturing out.

Strange to be back in Brighton - it all feels very surreal. All the white faces are very bland and going to the shops even to buy food in the supermarket lacks depth - no one is chatting or laughing!!!

Had to deal with First Direct again. The replacement card was not at the appointed place and then they tried to fob me off with telling me it had been destroyed after 3 days - which was bullshit. Eventually admitted it hadn’t been sent due to the error of a human being and forwarded it special delivery (grrrrr).

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